Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development2025-01-16T17:42:13+00:00Open Journal Systems<p><strong>American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development</strong> provides the opportunity to the authors to publish their original research articles in Multidisciplinary field. <strong>American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development</strong> is an open access peer reviewed monthly journal. The journal is refereed and follows the ethics and practices of ethical open access publishing. All the manuscripts received for publication passes through extensive double blind peer review process. The journal covers the multidisciplinary areas of Engineering, Technology, Management, Sciences and Humanities. Authors can submit their original manuscripts for peer review.</p> <p><strong>Frequency of Publication:</strong> Monthly</p> <p><strong>Acceptance Notification:</strong> 45 Days</p> <p><strong>ISSN (Online):</strong> 2771-8948</p> <p><a href=""><strong>SJIF (2024):</strong> 7.815</a></p> <p><a href=""><strong>JIF 2024:</strong> 9.105</a></p> ROLE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT2025-01-08T12:05:27+00:00M. M. MuyassarovaMuyassarova@gmail.comS. E.<p>The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare has been groundbreaking, reshaping the way we diagnose, treat and monitor patients. This technology is drastically improving healthcare research and outcomes by producing more accurate diagnoses and enabling more personalized treatments. AI in healthcare’s ability to analyze vast amounts of clinical documentation quickly helps medical professionals identify disease markers and trends that would otherwise be overlooked. The potential applications of AI and healthcare are broad and far-reaching, from scanning radiological images for early detection to predicting outcomes from electronic health records. By leveraging artificial intelligence in hospital settings and clinics, healthcare systems can become smarter, faster, and more efficient in providing care to millions of people worldwide. Artificial intelligence in healthcare is truly turning out to be the future – transforming how patients receive quality care while mitigating costs for providers and improving health outcomes.</p>2025-01-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 OF USING OPTIMAL METHODS OF INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF INFORMATION EXCHANGE AND DECISION SUPPORT IN THE CORPORATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM2025-01-09T12:20:23+00:00Zaynidinov Hakimjon Nasiriddinovichtet2001@rambler.ruZaynutdinova Mastura Baxadirovnaoasqaraliyev77@gmail.comAskaraliyev Odilbek Ulug‘bek o‘g‘<p>This article discusses the definition and implementation of management decision-making procedures in integrated management-based systems. In the process of intellectual support of decision-making, the determination of efficiency characteristics through a mathematical model was carried out by selecting unwanted parameters in the management system. It has also been shown that an algorithm based on a two-stage nonlinear model allows management decisions to be made. In assessing the sources of incoming information, an unambiguous model was used in the optimal organization of the process according to the decision support mechanism based on the conclusions of expert systems. According to the MATLAB application package, the research indicators were carried out experimentally.</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 OF CONSTRUCTION OF PATHS AND PLAYGROUNDS IN PARKS2025-01-11T11:03:55+00:00Ubaydullaev Farkhod BakhtiyarullaevichUbaydullaev@gmail.comXudoyberdiyeva Nargiza Turğ<p>This work discusses modern technologies and methods for the construction of paths and playgrounds in parks. The article covers the main stages of the construction process, such as marking the paths and playgrounds, preparing the base, selecting materials, establishing the profile, and working with high-quality concrete or paving tiles. Additionally, the factors that should be considered when constructing paths under different soil conditions and the careful selection of materials are discussed. The construction technologies used for paths and playgrounds in parks help create a stable and aesthetically pleasing environment for people.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 INFLUENCE OF THE HUMIDITY OF THE AIR ON THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM2025-01-11T11:06:10+00:00Saidova Zilolasaidova@mail.ruUbaydullayeva<p>This article will investigate the effects of different levels of humidity on the circulatory system, including blood pressure, heart rate and general cardiovascular health. As well as analyzing the relationship between air humidity and health indicators related to circulatory system function in order to develop recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases depending on climatic conditions.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES AS A SECOND LANGUAGE2025-01-13T08:06:40+00:00M. S.<p>This scientific article analyzes the problems in the process of teaching foreign languages as a second language. The article considers problems related to teaching methodologies, educational resources, teacher training, student motivation, as well as cultural and sociolinguistic factors. The article also provides suggestions and recommendations on how to overcome these problems, improve the quality of teaching, and covers modern approaches, technologies and their implementation in practice.</p>2025-01-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 JOHNSON'S DICTIONARY GUIDE AS AN EXPRESSION OF THE DICTIONARY IDEA2025-01-14T07:28:02+00:00U. B.<p>This article is based on the materials of the famous American lexicographer Samuel Johnson's dictionary. In this article “Plan of the English dictionary” was analyzed. This “Plan” was written in 1746, served as the basis for “A Brief Prospectus for the Construction of a New Dictionary of the English Language”.</p>2025-01-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR FURTHER SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE WORLD2025-01-16T17:42:13+00:00Abdullakhanova Gulbahorrakhmonovan1997@gamil.comSayyora<p>Today, the process of development and widespread use of new artificial intelligence technologies is clearly visible, which are becoming a powerful force and can carry, on the one hand, safety and security, and on the other hand, a threat, both for an individual and for of all humanity. This article is devoted to the use of artificial intelligence in the environmental field, which can have a significant role in the success of protecting our planet and its continued existence. Currently, artificial intelligence is capable of helping humanity in many ways, keeping control and analyzing the current situation in the environmental sphere, which is its benefit for professionals and specialists in various fields.</p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025